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Maple & Pecan Granola

Updated: Jul 1

Sweet, nutty and crunchy granola. The combination of maple and pecan truly is a perfect match.

Every time I ask my husband what granola I should make; the answer is always this Maple & Pecan granola!

The smell of this granola baking in the oven is heavenly. I highly recommend storing the granola in an airtight container and out-of-sight as soon as it has cooled down… otherwise you might not have anything left for breakfast.

Maple & Pecan nut granola with figs and yoghurt
Maple Pecan Granola


I have to admit on a few occasions I have found myself eating a small bit of fresh-out-of-the-oven granola with cold almond milk when no one was around. The granola still hot makes that snap-crackle-pop sounds when pouring the cold milk over it.

I may or may not have used a cup instead of a bowl to eat the granola, so I could pretend to be drinking a cup of coffee should my husband walk-in....


  • Most store-bought granolas and cereals have a lot of added sugar and additives. Making your own from scratch helps knowing exactly what is added and you can control the sweetness levels.

  • Another plus point is making the exact amount you need. In the past when I bought granola would lose its crunch over time. Instead of having soft and not-so-fresh granola making smaller batches more often means having fresh, crunchy granola almost every time.

  • My favourite part is the smell it brings into your home and of course the tasting and snacking while making it!

Maple & Pecan nut granola


  • crunchy

  • sweet

  • caramelly

  • nutty

  • rich

  • comforting

Maple & pecan is a classic flavour combo and has been used in so many types of pastries, pies and desserts. If you are a fan, I can bet you will love this granola.

This recipe is vegan and can easily be made gluten-free by using gluten-free certified oats.

Maple & Pecan nut granola with figs and yoghurt


  • rolled oats, gluten-free if needed

  • raw pecan nuts

  • desiccated coconut

  • sunflower seeds

  • linseeds

  • maple syrup

  • coconut oil

  • vanilla extract

  • cinnamon


  • fresh berries/fruit

  • coconut or almond yoghurt

  • almond milk or milk of choice

  • sprinkle on your smoothie bowl

  • sprinkle over your overnight or cooked oats for crunch

  • sprinkle on your peanut butter or jam toast (it is delicious)


Maple & Pecan nut granola


Pecan and maple syrup is a classic flavour combination and works so well as a granola.

This is sweet, caramelly, crunchy and nutty all in one bowl!

Makes about 8 portions


  • 2 cups raw rolled oats, preferably organic

  • 1 cup raw pecans, roughly chopped

  • ¼ cup unsweetened desiccated coconut

  • ½ cup sunflower seeds

  • ¼ cup linseeds

  • ¼ tsp fine sea salt

  • ½ tsp cinnamon

  • 4 – 5 Tbsp Maple syrup

  • 4 Tbsp virgin coconut oil, melted

  • 1 tsp vanilla bean extract (optional)


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 C or 160C fan and line a baking tray with parchment paper or a baking silicon mat.

  2. Mix all the dry ingredients in a big bowl.

  3. Mix all the wet ingredients in another bowl and pour into the dry mix.

  4. Mix thoroughly until well combined.

  5. Press the granola into the backing tray into an even layer.

  6. Place the tray in the preheated oven and bake for about 20 minutes then check the granola.

  7. After 20 minutes, stir the granola and back for another 10 - 15 minutes or until golden to your liking.

  8. Once completely cooled, store in an airtight container for up to 3 weeks (if it lasts that long!)

  9. Enjoy with fresh fruit and milk of your choice/ coconut yoghurt

Maple & Pecan nut granola




I would love if you could leave me a comment below to let you me know what you think.

​If you post your recreation on Instagram, don't forget to tag me @simply_plant_nourished

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